


Why I love photography 

Everyone needs to escape from reality once in a while. Have a little break from the everyday routines and just focus on something else than whatever normally occupies your mind. In my case, when this need makes itself felt, I pick up my camera.

Photography is to me a lot more than just a nice way to make sure your experiences are preserved for posterity. It is a way to express oneself. It is a form of art in which you may express a feeling, state an opinion or somehow deliver a message. A picture may express more than a thousand words. This is also what makes photographing so incredible difficult. To capture the golden moments, be able to deliver your message and trigger a response from whoever is looking at your pictures is not always as easy as it may appear.

But this challenge is also part of what makes photographing so interesting. Today we are surrounded by stunning pictures all the time; on the web, in the papers, in books and magazines and on the TV. To make your picture stand out from the rest is a great challenge. Whether or not I am able to do this with my pictures I am not sure!?! This is up to you to decide. But regardless of how my pictures turn out, I still really enjoy working with them :o)

I hope you enjoy looking through my galleries.


Aas, Norway
January 2008

Peter Marcus K. Greve




My gear»

Nikon D80 (digital SLR)
Nikkor 18-70 mm lens

Konica Revio 510z (digital compact camera)

Pentax ESII (SLR)

Contact information»

Peter Marcus K. Greve


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Peter Marucs K. Greve © 2011. All rights reserved.